Download Defenx Antivirus on your computer from this link if you didn't do it yet:
and follow these instructions.Run the DefenxAntivirus.exe file. This window will open, click on “Agree and Install”:
3. The installation process will start:
4. At the end of the installation process the software will ask you to reboot your computer:
5. When your computer has been restarted it will ask you to insert your key in order to activate it:
6. Click on “Activate” and insert all the information required: your name, your e-mail address and your key, then click “Next”:
If the key you have got does not start like DFXSS please write to including your full name, the e-mail address related to your purchase and please explain where you bought the licence, so we’ll be able to convert your old key to a new one.
7. Choose a password and write it twice to confirm it, then click “Next”, and “Proceed”:
8. You’ll see a confirmation of your activation. Click “Close”.
9. Your computer is now protected:
If you have any issues please write to